Modena – Parcel B

Iron County, UT
Utah SITLA - Land Sale Auction, April 29, 2024


Please log in as a buyer to view registration status.
Modena – Parcel B
67D 3H 36M 27S
4/24/2025 10:10 AM MDT / 11:10 AM CDT
4/29/2025 10:10 AM MDT / 11:10 AM CDT
(Bid Price + Agency Fees)
Parcel Details
Modena – Parcel B
County, State
Iron, UT
Legal Description
T.35.S, R.17.W, SLB&M
Sec 20:  W1/2

Advisory - Water Rights

All pivots, water rights, and other improvements for agriculture are owned by the lessee and will not be included with the property.

No water rights will be sold with this property.

Property Photos
Points of Contact

For questions about land sales:
Scott Chamberlain, Assistant Managing Director, Surface
Phone (435) 893-2979

Diane Lund, Assistant Managing Director, Surface; Land Sales Coordinator
Phone (801) 538-5163

For questions about participating in the offering:
Government Resources
Phone (877) 351-4488

Property Map
Property Map (click to enlarge)
Additional Information

This property is currently leased for agricultural purposes. All pivots, water rights, and other improvements for agriculture are owned by the lessee and will not be included with the property. The topography of the property is level to gentle sloping. The parcel is surrounded by private property.

Location: The property is located in Western Iron County, to the west of Beryl and east of the town of Modena.

Access: Well-maintained gravel roads access the property.

Zoning: A-20 (agricultural land requiring a 20-acre minimum lot size)

Water Rights: No water rights will be sold with this property

Utilities: Power is located on the property, but no other utilities are available.

Beneficiary Notice: The net proceeds from the sale of this property will be deposited into the permanent fund for the beneficiary of Public Schools.


Mineral Leases:

Surface Leases:
1. Special Use Lease No. 646, issued to Holt Farms LLC for agricultural purposes, with an expiration date of December 31, 2039 (when the property is sold, this lease will be terminated, effective December 31, 2025).

Cultural Resource Covenant:
A historical and cultural resource survey will be conducted on this parcel. Any significant sites which are identified will be protected with a reservation.

Successful Bidder Notification

After all auctions have closed, the successful bidder will be notified via email with closing instructions, including total amount due.

For the successful bidder, a deposit of at least 10% of the sale price, plus closing costs and interest through April 30, 2025, is due within one business day from the completion of the auction and is payable to SITLA. Financing will be offered for this parcel at a variable interest rate of prime plus 2.5% or 7.5%, whichever is greater. The remaining balance may be financed for up to a 20 year term. Full remittance instructions will be included with the invoice.

  1. Please see the disclosure summary and the certificate of sale template documents for general disclosures which apply to all parcels being offered for sale at this auction.
  2. All mineral rights will be reserved.
  3. The sand and gravel on the parcel will be subject to a royalty provision if sold commercially.
  4. The Utah Geological Survey has submitted the following comment: Potential geologic hazards in the area that could affect the parcel include seasonal and/or flash flooding, ground subsidence from groundwater withdrawal, problem soils including shrink/swell and/or collapsible, windblown sand, and indoor radon potential. The prospective buyer should be aware of the potential hazards so they can be addressed in a manner appropriate to the intended use of the property. UGS has general geologic hazard information available at its offices and online at
  5. The property will be conveyed subject to all valid existing rights.
Utah Broker
Utah Broker of record is Bates Land Consortium

RE License Number: 10851533-CN00: 6346513-AB00